Magazine and Book Covers

I have had about 80 magazine or book covers, most of which were from Wisconsin or Michigan, with Illinois a distant third. All of them were shot film, and nearly all of them shot with Fuji Velvia.

For personal reasons, I stopped photography in 2001. I then turned my attention to the global economy. For those interested in the global economy, my economics blog, MishTalk.Com typically gets over one million page hits a month.

I am back into photography now, and love to travel with my wife, best friend, and soulmate Liz.

Film is much harder than digital. But I did have to learn Lightroom and Photoshop. Those with a strong interest in getting the most out of their images would do well to learn Lightroom and shoot “raw”, not JPEG.

Here is a sampling of my magazine and book covers. Notice that many have people in them. Regional publications frequently want human interest and many photographers fail to deliver. One more point, if you want magazine covers, make sure to take vertical images when the opportunity presents.

Here are a few book cover credits.

Click on any image for an expanded view.

Mike “Mish” Shedlock